Yesterday was supposed to be a short day. Then we had a flat tire, and some rough roads. We made it to the campground at around eight. Tired.
Today was supposed to be a short day. Then we had heavy head wind, and Google sent us five miles in the wrong direction. After having us walk through pastures as described in the previous post. We arrived at the campground around seven. Tired.
Now this might sound like complaining again, but it isn’t. Rather it is a reflection over how the road has a mind of its own and we cannot force our will upon it. We might, and indeed do, plan ahead. But in the end so much is left to chance. Or at least to factors beyond our grasp. Like construction work.
But every night we’ve made it to our destination, and every night we’ve had enough food and a place to sleep at. And every new day a new adventure awaits.
What more could one ask for really? That things go just like we planned? That would be no fun, now would it?
1 comment
We really enjoyed meeting and swimming with you last night at the Little Bear Campground. We all wish we could have given you more than we did but we relize that when biking you can only cary so much. Meeting you both was very inspiring and made us relize how much love truly is in this world. Best of luck in your pointless suffering, we will always remember you! #pointlesssiffering
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